KCT- L ser i es di smount abl e hal l ef f ect cur r ent sensor i s an open l oop devi ce based on t he measur i ng
pri nci pl e of t he hal l ef f ect , wi t ha gal vani c i sol at i onbet weenpri mary andsecondary ci rcui t . I t
pr ovi des accur at e el ect r oni c measur ement of DC, ACor pul sed cur r ent s.
Directions for use
When the current will be measured goes through a sensor, the current will be measured atthe output
end. (Note: The false wiring may result in the damage of the sensor)
Custom design in the different rated input current and the output current are available.
1.Inverters, frequency control devices.2.
Electric locomotive, grid monitoring.3.
PV new energy.
4.Industrial application.
1. High accuracy and good linearity
2.Low temperature draft, wide frequency band.
3.Short repsonse time, high strong anti-interference
4.Strong overload ability.
KCT- L ser i es di smount abl e hal l ef f ect cur r ent sensor i s an open l oop devi ce based on t he measur i ng
pri nci pl e of t he hal l ef f ect , wi t ha gal vani c i sol at i onbet weenpri mary andsecondary ci rcui t . I t
pr ovi des accur at e el ect r oni c measur ement of DC, ACor pul sed cur r ent s.
Directions for use
When the current will be measured goes through a sensor, the current will be measured atthe output
end. (Note: The false wiring may result in the damage of the sensor)
Custom design in the different rated input current and the output current are available.
1.Inverters, frequency control devices.2.
Electric locomotive, grid monitoring.3.
PV new energy.
4.Industrial application.
1. High accuracy and good linearity
2.Low temperature draft, wide frequency band.
3.Short repsonse time, high strong anti-interference
4.Strong overload ability.